Importance of Dress Codes

By: Ava Sun

Portrait Of High School Student Group Wearing Uniform Standing Outside School Buildings

Many people don’t like the idea of having uniforms and dress codes in school because it limits freedom of expression. However, students can still express themselves by wearing jewelry, dying their hair, etc.
There are also many disadvantages to the freedom to wear anything to school.

One of the disadvantages of not having dress codes is bullying. Kids may bully each other based on what they are wearing because they think that their clothing is better. Another big disadvantage is that kids get easily distracted if everyone wears what they want. One example is when younger kids wear super sparkly clothing to school. This distracts many other students around them because they are interested in what others are wearing.

Uniforms also help students get ready faster in the morning because they don’t have to spend extra time picking out a good outfit. This is especially helpful because school often starts very early and students don’t get enough sleep. Sleep is very crucial to students, especially if they want to focus and do well in school.
Wearing uniforms and having dress codes can also serve as a safety precaution. Kids are less able to hide weapons and school administration can easily see who is who. That way there won’t be any unidentifiable people entering the building.

Many may argue that uniforms are uncomfortable, however, there are many different styles of uniforms that you can choose from. Clothing brands also strive to make uniforms as comfortable as possible. Some also argue that uniforms can cost more than needed. This issue can be solved easily by school fundraisers and schools selling uniforms for cheaper.

Overall, I believe that the benefits of uniforms outweigh the negatives. Uniforms would be a great addition to many schools because they help with branding and boosting academic learning. Uniforms can also make the school a safe space for everyone because it can decrease the chances of bullying.

Sources Cited:

“School Uniforms Pros and Cons – 13 Arguments for and Against.” School Uniforms, 18 May 2023,

“Should Students Wear Uniforms?” Time for Kids, 11 Feb. 2021,